It's been a while since my last blog entry but a lot has been happening behind the scenes and the Together for Sudan website has been updated with some interesting new articles. There are
letters from some of our University Students and also notes from our new
vocational scholarship apprentices. There is an
appeal for this project which is on the homepage and a
general appeal because as always there is never enough money to do all the things that need doing. If you've been reading the TfS blog you will know all about
Adrian and his coming marathon - please support this if you can- but you may not know about a young lady in Bristol called Marie who ran a half marathon and raised over £300 for us. Thank you Marie, you're a hero.

Because of this we are inviting people to do the same. Create a
Just Giving page, do something and raise some cash to help with the work we do.
Become a TfS hero. If enough people do it I'll make a hero gallery page on the website.
See our charity Just Giving page here.
All the pages mentioned above are connected by hyperlink so just click on any one of them to learn more or
click here if you want to know more about being a hero. The picture I have included is of the Together for Sudan office staff in Khartoum, they manage all the good work that Together for Sudan does, they are my heroes.
Dave Lewis