The oft-postponed operations day finally took place at the Bashir hospital in the Mayo suburb of Khartoum in mid-November. 355 patients were seen of whom 300 received medicines, mostly eye-drops and vitamins. 48 operations were recommended and carried out, of which 29 were for cataracts and the remainder miscellaneous surgeries. The follow-up day to review the patients who underwent the operations will be on 13 December.
Here are some photos of some of the patients.
Deng Yoor 14 month has Ophthalmoglegia and complete Ptosis |
Rogia Fateh Alrahman 75 year old she has Glaucoma in both eyes |
Mary Maytout 23 years old from South Sudan she has cornia and Ptosis |
Abeker Dafallah Abutemon 39 years old has Glaucouma |
Waiting their turn for an operation all of them for Cataracts |