Saturday, March 27, 2010

1 Goal - Education for All

Together for Sudan puts a huge amount of importance on it's education projects, the needs of children and teachers in displaced communities and the rural communities of the Nuba mountains are considerable.

One of the founding principles of Together for Sudan is to listen to what the people we serve say that they need. Time and time again the request is for education.

Listening we have acted and providing education for those who would not otherwise be able to have it has become a major feature of our work. Together for Sudan provides support for funding the schooling of children who have been affected by HIV or AIDS. The knock on effect of a child's parents having died of AIDS can often leave them living with relatives that cannot afford to pay for their education. Children in this situation go without unless we step in.

Together for Sudan supports the 1 Goal initiative because we believe that every child should have the opportunity of education.

Show your support for the 1 Goal initiative by signing up through the widget on our website. Cllick on the title to link to widget.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


When they learn of Together for Sudan’s current financial crisis, people sometimes ask how they can better support our life saving education and educational support work.

“I can’t afford a large donation,” someone might say, “but is there some way I can help?”

Indeed there is. Let me suggest several ways of supporting TfS which friends of Together for Sudan have very usefully employed to raise funds:

  • Hold a coffee morning as Lele, Marietta and others have done and invite your friends to contribute.
  • Collect unused but saleable items from your closet, attic and cellar and those of your friends and hold a back garden auction as Sarah and Julian did twice very successfully on our behalf.
  • Give ten pounds a month on a regular basis to TfS, as our Treasurer Norman Swanney has suggested. You won’t miss it and it could save the future for someone in Sudan (our educational work) or even save someone’s life (our Eye Care and HIV/AIDS Awareness projects).
  • Run a marathon or half-marathon on behalf of Together for Sudan as Adrian and Marie did last year.
  • Give a piano concert in the name of Together for Sudan. This has been done very successfully by Bruce and also by Rosemary.
  • Set up a meeting which convenes at least twice yearly, invite a guest lecturer such as a Together for Sudan friend or trustee and take a collection for TfS or some other Sudan focused charity – as the Beaminster Friends of Sudan have done very successfully for a number of years.
  • Perhaps even more fun, hold a lecture, raffle or other event at your club, church or home and collect donations for TfS.
  • Then, especially if there are willing teenagers around, there is the car wash way to raise funds.
  • For those a bit older, why not put Together for Sudan in your will? I know of at least one dear old person who has done this. However, I still need his encouraging letters too much to even think of how sad I shall be when he delivers his last gift to Together for Sudan.